Front page

Hello, I’m Timi Wahalahti

A resident of Finland, developing WordPress solutions for a living at Evermade.

WordPress enthusiast, community deputy and event organiser. Passionate cyclist, usually riding a bike, running the association bureaucracy or organising cycling races. Advocating cycling as a mean of transportation and interested in better urban planning. Avid sauna goer.

My current focuses

Open source

Contributions on WordPress

Weekly contributions to Community and Meta. Locale manager and mentor for Finnish community. Credits for core contributions in versions 4.1, 4.2, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 6.1, 6.2, 6.7 and translations in 36 versions. profile with all contributions and activity

Contributions on Github

Github profile with full activity


All scrobbles


Time spent with podcasts worth of 33 days and 21 hours. Currently 17 unplayed episodes, whoopsie.


2025 reading goal status: 5 of 20 books. Read 87 books in total since 2021.

Currently reading

Recently read

Hardcover profile