Hardcover, paras palvelu kirjojen seurantaan ja vaihtoehto Goodreadsille

English version below ↓.Post contains Hardcover referral links, which give me one free month of better features for every two new users. Loma tuntuu aina olevan sellainen hetki kun päädyn etsimään, tutkimaan ja testaamaan erilaisia sovelluksia sekä verkkopalveluita. Juuri pääsin vasta vaihtamasta RSS lukijan Feedlystä Feedbiniin. Tällä kertaa innostuin miettimään palvelua luettujen kirjojen seuraamiseen sekä …

I resumed my WordPress contributions

When all this started, I questioned if I would resume my WordPress contributions that had been on hiatus. When all started going really batshit crazy, I questioned it even more. All that made me sad. I do believe in WordPress’s mission. I do believe in FOSS and it having a positive impact to our world. …

Website tree and curation of our internet experience

In the past week, I have stumbled into two separate blog posts about the same thing: how it feels like finding interesting websites has become harder, and we let the algorithms curate the internet for us. The first of the posts mentioned was in the Hacker Newsletter, and Aaron Jorbin shared the latter. Those posts hit home for two reasons;